Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's Not About You

How often I hear from people their frustration with legislators and
the political system because it doesn't reflect the values or
efficiencies THEY want. "If only they would do the RIGHT thing". As
though some benevolent dictator could make it all work perfectly
(which I sometimes think they're actually looking for). What they fail
to appreciate is that there is someone else across town or across the
state who has a diametrically opposing view. And they have just as
much right to have that view represented. So who is right and how is
it resolved? That is the nature of our messy, slow, inefficient
system - in which compromise and accommodation are (or should) be
highly valued. The most effective lawmakers are those that really want
to get a result and not stand on principle. More recently, that's been
a problem ....... but that's another entry