Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And More Wingnuts

And in the news.....

Arizona congressional candidate fires guns in ad; Idaho awaits the apocalypse

Arizona voters who don't pull the lever for Republican congressional candidate Pamela Gorman have this to consider: She just might shoot them.
Gorman, in a new ad, fires a machine gun and pistols scores of times as a goofy sounding announcer calls this year "our best shot at changing Congress. 'Course that all depends on the caliber of our candidates."
Gorman, identified by the announcer as a "conservative Christian and a pretty fair shot," is seen blowing up the word "TAXES" in a graphic. "Gorman, she can take care of herself," the voice says.
A soft, feminine voice then says: "I'm Pamela Gorman and I approve this message." The ad ends in a hail of gunfire.

Seems the good folks of Idaho have been watching too much Glenn Beck.
The Idaho Republican Party has just come out with a special new Armageddon-edition platform. Among its planks: A loyalty test for candidates, a recommendation that Idaho withhold federal taxes, restricting marriage to "naturally born" men and women (in vitro babies need not apply?), and, best of all, proposing that residents stock up on gold and silver as a sensible precaution for the coming apocalypse.