Sunday, February 20, 2011

Liberal Lament

The current situation in Madison, Wisconsin is a microcosm - or emblematic -- of the larger cultural-political conflict being waged on the public on a larger stage. The Wisconsin governor is not only insisting on dramatic wage, pension and health care concessions from public employees -- he's also bent on revoking their collective bargaining ability. He apparently has not talked to them, doesn't want to and just wants them to roll over.

This strikes me as similar to the attitude dominating the right wing in Washington and in states across country. They are not interested in discussions with opponents, they are not interested in compromise. They are, instead, more interested in burying their fellow citizens; in vilifying their character (and patriotism) in denying them any democratic rights to negotiate. How ironic they hold themselves us as such staunch defenders of American democracy when so often their agenda is to limit it for anyone who doesn't adhere to their world view.