Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Current Zeitgeist

A number of excellent columns have cropped up lately defining the national mood, its problems and remedies; particularly as it relates to populist expectations and disappointments and, to me more importantly, the actual culpability of the public at large. First a nice feature by that excellent writer Anna Quindlen, that appeared in Newsweek, followed by a piece by George Will that ran in the Washington Post.

The first few lines - followed by a link to the full story:

"By the time the current political cycle is over, the term "populist" will have become a buzzword so misused and abused that it will be leached of all real meaning. The dictionary definitions refer to the agrarian political party of the late 19th century, then segue into the use of the term that modern politicians have learned to embrace: "a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people."

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