Saturday, May 15, 2010

More Evidence!

At the risk of elevating my snobbishness....the paper had another great example of the civic stupidity of the American public. It seems that a poll from the Pew Research Center finds that about six in 10 adults approve of Arizona's new immigration law granting local police greater authority in combating illegal immigration.

The law has sparked protest from those who oppose several of its provisions. But the Pew poll suggests these measures are broadly popular. Nearly three-quarters approve of requiring people to produce documents verifying that they are in the country legally, two-thirds said police should be allowed to detain those who cannot prove their status, and 62 percent favor allowing police to question those they suspect of being illegal immigrants. Overall, 59 percent say they approve of the law, while 32 disapprove.

Are there really so many pathetically stupid people?!?!

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