Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bitter Revenge

Like many "moderate progressives" I've always been hopeful that moderates would prevail in both parties to work toward a consensus on some major issues. But it's become increasingly clear that the Republican party has been captured and dominated by extremists who not only won't cooperate, but who are dedicated to destroying the "other side". A complete scorched earth policy. Never mind our own legitimate rights and voices in the process. While I might have normally agreed with other moderates that Nancy Pelosi should step aside, I've come to believe that like the school yard bully, the Right will never appreciate our rights until they are smacked in the face with a 2x4. We can play obstructionist "hell no" just as well as they can. And Pelosi is talented enough to do it - and we should demand it of her. The country clearly needs consensus, but we can not be run over by bullies.

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